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Suit yourself 好自为之

Believe it or not 信不信由你

We have nothing to fear 没啥好怕的

That which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger 打不到我们的,使我们强大

She is way out of my league 我完全配不上她

Fat chance 想得美

That’s bullshit 扯淡

When the dust settles 一切尘埃落定

The jig is up 露馅了

Apple of my eye 我的心肝宝贝

Just for proof 只为证明

I am capable of matching you 我足以与你相配

I am pretty sure 我很确定

What are the odds 真巧啊

No time to dilly-dally 没有时间磨蹭了

There is no accounting for taste 喜欢什么人是没有道理的(萝卜青菜各有所爱)